Use Sport as a Tool, Make Their Lives Really Cool!
Use Sport as a Tool, Make Their Lives Really Cool!
In our globalizing and developing world, the concept of inclusion is becoming increasingly important. Inclusion, which is a very valuable concept for social welfare, is possible today with the understanding of disabled and disadvantaged individuals.Conscious civil society and effective state policies are absolutely necessary for the realization of inclusion, which is a valuable concept. Increasing the awareness of civil society on this issue is even more important. The stronger use of sports as a means of inclusion and the universal unifying feature of sports have been the main reasons for the realization of this project.
The project includes sports events, icebreaker games and simulations for the participation of disabled participants. In addition, a lot of group work has been included in activities. This project aims to develop the participants by helping them together and providing peer education. In group work, companions and disabled participants will be together. Since verbal communication is especially required in these activities, disabled individuals and their companions will be in the same groups and the accompanying persons will assist the participants.
This Learning Moblity aims are:
To support the social participation of disabled and disadvantaged individuals
To support more social participation of disadvantaged and disabled individuals
To increase the knowledge and awareness of the participants about the chosen topic of the project
To learn the sport of Korfball and promote this sport,
To support the social development of disabled and disadvantaged individuals
To increase the visibility and capacity of non-governmental organizations working especially with disabled and disadvantaged individuals
Funding programme: Erasmus + Youth Exchange
Project Reference –2022-3-TR01-KA152-YOU-000103421
Period – 01/2023 to 12/2023
Partners listed:
Coordinator – Bayburt Universitesi – Turkey
Partner – Asociatia de Sprijin a Copiilor Handicapati Fizic – Romania
Partner – Sport Evolution Alliance – Portugal
Partner – Asociacion Multideportiva Euexia – Spain
Partner – Go Alive – Greece