About Sportify - Sport as an Investment in the Future of Youth
This Youth Exchange will be about supporting the physical, mental and emotional well-being of young people through sports, outdoor activities and other relevant practices.
Together with international partners from five other European countries, who share similar ideas and missions for the development of youth communities, during the exchange, there will be sessions with demonstrations and practices of various sports that are practised among young people in the respective countries.
This Learning Moblity aims are:
- Show the young generation how easy it is to access sports and a healthy, balanced and fulfilling lifestyle: participants will receive information and knowledge about different types of sports in order to choose the most suitable one for them and their daily life
- Receive and share tips for achieving and maintaining an active life
Raise the awareness of young people about a healthy lifestyle, to show them that it is not difficult to play sports and that for this purpose it is not necessary to visit gyms and studios
Funding programme: Erasmus + Youth Exchange
Project Reference –2022-1-BG01-KA152-YOU
Period – 01/2023 to 12/2023
Partners listed:
Coordinator – International Initiatives for Cooperation – Bulgaria
Partner – Fthia In Action – Greece
Partner – SFERA International – North Macedonia
Partner – Associazione E.In.E – Italy
Partner – International Initiatives for Cooperation Galicia – Spain
Partner – Sport Evolution Alliance – Portugal