
About Sports4Cancer

The Sport4Cancer project is a major international non-profit sporting event for people of all ages that will take place in the Region of Murcia (Spain), with the active participation of delegates from several European countries chosen for their cultural, geographical and climatic diversity.

This event is especially dedicated to bringing together cancer patients/survivors and their families, friends and supporters, as well as society at large. In addition to the participants, based on the municipal sports infrastructure, around 20,000 people, including tourists visiting the region, are expected to visit the event. The project will involve more than 100 volunteers from different counties, 60% of whom are women.

The project aims to support the implementation of the European Commission’s strategy to address the challenge of physical activity and the social inclusion of cancer patients/survivors through participation in sports and related educational activities.

The general aims of this event are:

  • To promote physical activity through a major international sporting event, respecting gender equality.

  • Support social inclusion through a major international sporting event, especially the social inclusion of people with cancer and disabilities.

The specific goals of this project are:

  • To promote physical activity through a major international sporting event among people with low levels of physical activity in order to improve their quality of life.

  • To promote physical activity through specifically designed sport activities and the scientific workshop “Sport4Cancer” among cancer survivors, in order to reduce physical and social barriers and facilitate their return to a quality life, mainly respecting gender equality.

  • To Raise awareness about social inclusion, especially for people with cancer, with a special focus on the many women affected by breast cancer and people with disabilities.

  • To create physical activity adherence among all people attending the event, so that they continue to practice more after the event.

Funding programme: Erasmus + Sport – Not-for-Profit European Sport Events
Project Identification – 2021-SNCESE-101050018
Period –01/09/2022 to 31/08/2023
Partners listed:
Coordinator – University of Murcia – Spain
Partner – Istanbul Sports Activities and Administration Trade INC. (Turkiye)
Partner – CUS Palermo – Italy
Partner – FC “ARDA-1924” – Bulgaria
Partner – Bulgarian Sports Development Association – Bulgaria
Partner – SvenkaUngdom League Svenska Youth League – Sweden
Partner – Sport Evolution Alliance – Portugal
Partner – MAS ARIS PETEINOU – Greece
Partner – Rijeka Sports Association for Persons with Disabilities – Croatia
Partner – Lithuanian Sports University – Lithuania
Partner – IPAK Institute for Symbolic Analysis and Development of Information Technologies – Slovenia
Partner – Norway Innovation Network – Norway
Partner – European Institute of Interdisciplinary Research – France
Partner – K.E.F.I. of Athens Assocation of Cancer Patients – Greece
Partner – Outdoor against Cancer – Germany

Total Budget of the Project: 450.000,00€

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