Schoolyard Games

About Schoolyard Games

For 18 months, the partners will collect the games that children play during school breaks or before/after school. focussing on those that encourage inclusion and support gender equality, they will record short videos about their rules, variations, necessary equipment, communication skills, reflect and transmit cultural values that form the human library that will be published on the website. The library displayed online should become a valuable resource for coaches organising activities in grassroots sport, teachers, parents and children willing to bring intercultural and gender-balanced material into their work and everyday lives. The aim of the library is to support physical activity at school as opposed to sedentary time spent during lessons. On the website, we plan to make it possible for organisations or individuals to register, interact and upload content they create. 

During the project a video library will be created with a minimum of 30 traditional games described and filmed with instructions for educators, 5 local dissemination events, Website, Facebook, Instagram regularly updated as dissemination tools – each partner to have publications for the project on their web pages and social media channels uploaded every 3 months and a minimum of 4 media publications, and a Network of 15 project ambassadors to ensure sustainability.

Schoolyard Games

This project has the following general objectives:

  • Exchange and collect a library of games that young people play in their free time at school, systematise them with a detailed description of the rules
  • Promoting the benefits of sport for health and well-being.
  • Increasing the contribution to an inclusive and active society through the collection of sports practices and methodologies that support inclusion and gender equity
  • Increase the capacity of organisations to operate at a transnational level on a given topic.
  • Promote the funding of Erasmus+ Sport as an opportunity for the exchange of good practice in sport and international mobility for organisations, sports clubs and various stakeholders.

Funding programme: Erasmus + Sport – Small Collaborative Partnership
Period – 01/2024 to 06/2025
Partners listed:
Coordinator – Lotina Kutija – Croatia
Partner – Oti Slovakia – Slovenia
Partner – Sport Evolution Alliance – Portugal
Partner – Association For Fitness and Sport Recreation Lagertha – Serbia
Partner – Avrasya Gençlik Gelişim Dernegi – Turkey

Total Budget of the Project: 60.000,00€
Total Budget of SEA: 10.345,00€

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