No More Worries
About No More Worries Youth Exchange
Although peer bullying is defined as a type of aggression, it differs from general aggression in some ways. Accordingly, in order for a word or behavior to be called peer bullying, in addition to having an aggressive feature, there must be an unequal balance of power between the parties, it must be done intentionally and must be repeated over time. Although the target of peer bullying is usually a single person, it can also be a group. There are types of peer bullying such as cyber, psychological, physical or emotional. Especially in schools, there is frequent peer bullying.
In the face of such frequent situations, teachers and parents cannot have enough information to solve this situation. Therefore, practices regarding the intervention to bullying are insufficient and our children are forced to experience this situation. Based on all this information, this project aims to draw attention to peer bullying, to create awareness and to find solutions.
This Learning Moblity aims are:
- To create solutions to prevent peer bullying with our participants and target audience,
- To raise awareness about peer bullying in society,
- To enable young people to use their ideas and initiatives on this issue, to prevent racist and discriminatory attitudes,
- To include young people with limited opportunities in our project, to reach disadvantaged people,
- To raise awareness of global issues among young people,
- To emphasize the concepts of youth and participation,
- To emphasize gender and equality of opportunity in our activities.
Funding programme: Erasmus + Youth Exchange
Project Reference –2022-3-TR01-KA152-YOU-000098287
Period – 01/2023 to 12/2023
Partners listed:
Coordinator – Cocuklar Icin Umut Topluluğu – Turkey
Partner – Asociatia UIET – Romania
Partner – Sport Evolution Alliance – Portugal
Partner – Health Growth – Bulgaria
Partner – Stowarzyszenie Aktywnosci Obywatelskiej Bona Fides – Poland
Partner – Maek APS – Italy