No Limits

No Limits

The main goal of this project is to raise awareness about the importance of health and sport through outdoor activities, as well as all the benefits it brings, group work skills, greater connection with people, tolerance, respect, self-improvement, sustainability and passion among others.

Throughout the three different periods, it is intended that everything worked on during the project will have a notable influence on society, which will last over time, as has happened with previous projects on physical activity. The consortium is looking for society to condemn sedentary lifestyles and promote physical activity actions. During the project there will be an analysis of the problems in detail, locally and internationally from different points of view, proposing and acting on the implementation of a multitude of ideas, from the preparation of the project to the dissemination of the project.

Its work methodology is diverse in order to favour individualised attention, learning through non-formal education to improve our health in a fun and professional way through outdoor activities, with a wide range of activities according to the interest of all participants. At the same time, many other competences will be addressed, related to social skills, communication and languages, tolerance, multiculturalism, learning about other cultures, respect, etc.

This Learning Moblity aims are:

  • To raise awareness about the benefits of having a healthy lifestyle.
  • To practice and enjoy outdoor activities.
  • Acquiring practical skills in promoting an active lifestyle.
  • To develop self-esteem and personal empowerment in all facets of life through sports.
  • Improving soft skills and communicating on this topic with their peers in a multicultural context.
  • To develop an eco-conscious and promote a green lifestyle.

Funding programme: Erasmus + Youth Exchange 
Project Reference –2022-3-ES02-KA152-YOU-000095245
Period – 01/2023 to 12/2023
Partners listed:
Coordinator – Proactive Future – Spain
Partner – Beyond Borders – Italy
Partner – Sport Evolution Alliance – Portugal
Partner – Dream Team AMKE – Greece
Partner – Fundatia Umanitara Friend’s Society – Romania
Partner – Walk Together – Bulgaria

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