My Future - Make Yourself Into the Future
About My Future - Make Yourself Into the Future
This project aims to promote employability and active participation of young people in pushing forward the idea of a stronger and united Europe, as former President Juncker said in his 2018 State of the Union speech. It will educate through Sport and Non-formal education methodologies to develop personal and professional skills, which will turn our flyers’ inactivity into productivity.
The consortium believes that Sport is a universal language, which will create a strong inclusive basis and an equal start for our flyers. Europe needs qualified young people re-injected into the system, because a NEET today is a leader tomorrow.
MYFuture ultimate goal is to provide a smooth but quick and efficient transition. The main objective of this project is to help youth people, facing unemployment, to increase their chances of getting employed.
Within 11 days, The project will foster 60 youth people to improve their capacities and soft skills in order to fight against unemployment.
This Learning Moblity aims are:
To provide an opportunity to the youth in need of one for integration and international exchange
To foster mutual understanding between young people from two different countries
To give to the participants the opportunity to acquire and apply cross-skills, soft skills and participatory and leadership attitudes through Sport and Non-Formal Education
To promote the engagement of young people in the education and/or labour market
To stimulate young people’s spirit of initiative, creativity and entrepreneurship
To raise awareness of the Erasmus + program and to spread EU core values among young people.
Funding programme: Erasmus + Youth Exchange
Project Reference – 2022-3-PT02-KA152-YOU-000094818
Period – 01/2023 to 10/2023
Partners listed:
Coordinator – Sport Evolution Alliance – Portugal
Partner – Champions Factory – Bulgaria
Total Budget of the Project: 49.415,00€