First Aid First!

About First Aid First!

As a result of various incidents that happen to us in our homes, workplaces, schools, and streets, we and people around us may need first aid interventions.

A person may encounter such situations in daily life that only the patients who need intervention and themselves are there at the time of the event. This patient may be a close relative, spouse, child, sibling, mother or father. In such cases, with simple interventions, until emergency medical help arrives, a loved one or any person can be connected to life, and his or her chances of survival can be maximized.

For this reason, every person, especially young people, must learn first aid, become more equipped in extraordinary situations and be able to provide first aid.

This Learning Moblity aims are:

  • To provide young people with information about first aid.
  • To encourage young people to participate in voluntary activities on first aid.
  • To instill consciousness of first aid in young people, and help them reach out for the competency necessary for them to be first aiders.
  • To carry out studies that emphasize the importance of first aid.
  • To hear them to have a say on the first aid which is dealt with worldwide, and to free them from their prejudices.
  • To have students coming from different countries. have a liking toward each other and free them from prejudices
  • To emphasize equal opportunities principle by giving place to the participants who are financially limited
  • To break such attitudes as discrimination against sex, race, language, and religion, and to contribute to yield an integrative environment where no boundaries exist,
  • To contribute to developing their life-long learning consciousness by using teaching methods.

Funding programme: Erasmus + Youth Exchange 
Project Reference –2022-3-IT03-KA152-YOU-000093104
Period – 01/2023 to 12/2023
Partners listed:
Coordinator – Healthy Steps Community – Italy
Partner – Asociació per la Mobilitat Internacional i Emprenedoria YOUTH BCN – Spain
Partner – Sport Evolution Alliance – Portugal
Partner – Heritage – Azerbaijan
Partner – SHAFT ORGANIZATION – Turkiye

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