Fair Play For Inclusion

About Fair Play For Inclusion

This Youth Exchange brings together 6 partner organisations from 6 countries. The basic purpose of the project is to use sports activities, in this case football, to increase the international dimension and expand its activities to the international level in order to improve the level of key competencies and skills through enhanced cooperation between organisations in working with young people.

An essential element of sport is fair play, which means:

  • Honest mutual relations,
  • Fair play
  • Mutual respect
  • Mutual support
  • Nonviolent communication
  • Equity, equality

Something that is (supposed to be) self-evident with sport and should be self-evident for society in general, we want to transfer to other areas and especially to make young people aware and empowered so that they, as the future bearers of society’s development, will be able to realise the common goals of society.

The main objective of this project is to create and strengthen collaborative partnerships and promote high-quality international sports events (e.g. European Fair Play Football Championship, networking meetings, workshops for managers,…) based on shared experiences using non-formal learning methods aimed at young people.

The target groups of this event are young people from different social backgrounds with special emphasis on young people with fewer opportunities, inclusion and equal opportunities, promoting socially acceptable behaviour and connecting young people with each other. In this way, we want to enable young people to acquire knowledge and experience that will enable them to use their own potential and become an active part of our society.

This Learning Moblity aims are:

  • Discovery of innovative approaches to solving problems in various youth communities in the EU
  • Encouraging the interest of young Europeans in physical activity, volunteering, and local or global efforts to solve pressing issues and problems

  • By participating in the project and teamwork, young people with limited opportunities will be reminded of the importance of their involvement, while at the same time, they will be aware that they are equal with others, that they have the same rights and duties, and strive for mutual support and respect for diversity and general values.

Funding programme: Erasmus + Youth Exchange 
Project Reference –2022-3-SI02-KA152-YOU-000102856
Period – 02/2023 to 01/2024
When: 3 – 9 September 2023
Partners listed:
Coordinator – Zavod APGA – Slovenia
Partner – Klub Sportowy Beniaminek 03 Poland
Partner – Eupragia Non-Profit Civil Organization – Greece
Partner – Lykia Izcilik Ve Doga Sporlari Kulubu Dernegi – Turkey
Partner – Asociatia “Clubul Sportiv Forza Junior Costuleni” – Romania
Partner – Sport Evolution Alliance – Portugal

Total Budget of the Project: 29.396,00 €

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