The AFTERMATCH – Life beyond sport project, completed in 2018, was directly used in this new project. It was a project during which we examined which skills of former athletes are particularly useful on the labour market. After a few years, the opportunity arose – to bring together most of the same partners, as well as people working in other institutions, who want to develop and improve this idea using their experience. The AFTERMATCH 2.0 project indicates and emphasises that the dual career of an athlete is also the ability to create an environment favourable to self-development by the athlete himself and to indicate the benefits of implementing professional activities through elements such as Corporate Social Responsibility of Sport, work – life – balance and, of course, two career paths.
The project aims to develop a systemic solution that supports a dual career in sports associations and has the following goals:
- Encouraging a healthy lifestyle, in particular the Council Recommendation on the promotion of physical health and the EU guidelines on physical activity, promoting sport and physical activity as a tool to support health, all measures to encourage sport and physical activity.
- Promoting fairness and values in sport, promoting positive sporting values.
- Promoting education in and through sport by supporting the development of skills in sport.
- Encouraging dual careers for athletes
- Preventing violence and combating racism, discrimination and intolerance in sport
- Promoting equality in sport, including gender equality
Funding programme: Erasmus + Sport – Collaborative Partnership
Period – 01/2024 to 12/2025
Partners listed:
- Coordinator – Towarzystwo Sportowe Iron Man – Poland
- Partner – Interactive Media Knowledge Transfer Intermedia – Greece
- Partner – Fundación Universitaria San Antonio – Spain
- Partner – Sport Evolution Alliance – Portugal
- Partner – Forcoop C.O.R.A. Venezia Societa’ Cooperativa – Italy
- Partner – Polski Związek Towarzystw Wioślarskich – Poland
- Partner – Modern Youth Public Union – Azerbaijan
- Partner – M.M.C Management Centre Limited – Cyprus
- Partner – Zavod Za Razvoj Športa, Turizma In Prostočasnih Aktivnosti – Slovenia
Total Budget of the Project: 250.000,00€
Total Budget of SEA: 29.225,00€