
About 4me4all

For Me For All focuses on the need to make sport accessible to everyone and for everyone, in order to promote health, both physical and mentaly, through the practice of physical activity.

Together with the practice of physical exercise, we also verified the relevance of involving activities in a green environment, since it provides even more beneficial effects and contributions to health when the adolescent is placed in green spaces to practice physical exercise. Physical activity in a green space has an important impact on children and adolescents in the context of their physical and mental health, specifically in terms of mental resilience, well-being, self-esteem and social interactions.

In this sense, For me For all chose institutionalized adolescents at risk as its target since these group tend to lack empathy, lack of socialization skills, mismanagement of their aggressive behaviours as well as other vulnerabilities that end up significantly influencing their psychological well-being and mental health.

Therefore, the For me For all in addition to promoting physical health to adolescents through physical activity, will also contribute to mental health through the development of social and emotional skills, through tutoring. This sports tutoring will be performed by former elite athletes, who will be properly formed with social and emotional skills for their intervention. Developing social and emotional skills will create the opportunity for behavioural change in the target group, providing significant changes at the personal, social, educational, health and even professional levels.

The main goals of the 4me4all project are the following:

  • Design and develop self-report measures in social and emotional skills for at-risk adolescents to support stakeholders to recognize and promote life skills among young people in host institutions.

  • Develop e-learning content and train tutors on the importance of physical activity in green contexts as a promoter of physical and mental health, implementing healthy life habits, through the promotion of social and emotional skills.

  • Develop mentoring processes by former elite athletes, using social and emotional skills strategies to be assimilated by at-risk adolescents.

  • Raise awareness among sports stakeholders and policymakers about the benefits of using green physical activity facilities for awareness, knowledge and behaviour of at-risk children and adolescents in research, education and policy formulation and stimulate future innovative educational methods to promote the inclusion and equity of at-risk adolescents in all areas of life.

The main activities of the 4me4all project to achieve these goals are the following:

  • Mixed-method profile assessment and target trainees: Focus groups, Survey design and implementation, Research report.
  • E-Training program for Tutors: Teaching material development, Implement and evaluate online course.
  • Pilot traineeship program: Implementation of the traineeship program, Assessment of the traineeship efficacy.
  • Impact and dissemination: Communication with stakeholders, Multiplier sports events, Dissemination of the results.

Funding programme: Erasmus + Sport – Collaborative Partnership
Project Reference – 101050398
Period – 01/2022 to 12/2023
Partners listed:
Coordinator – European Federation of Sport Psychology – Belgium
Partner – European Network for Innovation and Knowledge – The Netherlands
Partner – Champions Factory Ireland Limited – Ireland
Partner – Sport Evolution Alliance – Portugal
Partner – MineVaganti NGO – Italy
Partner – Istanbul Culture and Sport Association – Turkey    

Total Budget of the Project: 400.000,00 €
Total Budget of SEA: 71.000,00 €

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